Aha! I think I've grasped your meaning, at last.
Well, one way to approach this would be to adjust the Row Source of the
combobox using VBA procedures. For example, on the Enter event of the
combobox, you could do like this...
With Me.YourCombobox
.RowSource = "SELECT PersonID, LastName, FirstName FROM
YourTableOrQuery WHERE Active = 'Yes'"
End With
... and then on the Exit event, like this...
With Me.YourCombobox
.RowSource = "SELECT PersonID, LastName, FirstName FROM
End With
Another possibility is to set the RowSource of the combobox to a Union
Query, something like this...
SELECT PersonID, LastName, FirstName
FROM YourTableOrQuery
WHERE Active = 'Yes'
UNION SELECT PersonID, LastName, FirstName
FROM YourTableOrQuery
WHERE PersonID = [Forms]![YourForm]![ComboboxName]
... and then Requery the combobox on the Current event of the form.
A third idea is to set the Limit To List property of the combobox to No.
You could then put a Validation Rule on the field the combobox is bound to
in the table, or else code on the combobox's Before Update event, to check
the data entered.
Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
Joe Tucker (PersonID=3) is in the Record Source of the form (because at
one time he was an Active employee).
He isnot in the Record Source of the combobox (because he is no longer an
Active employee).
Therefore, Joe Tucker is not being displayed in the combobox!
I want him displayed in the combobox, but not in the dropdown! This
record is not about Joe Tucker, but about the report he wrote. I still
want people to know he wrote it. I do not want Joe Tucker assigned as a
new report auther.