I am being asked by a vendor to check my Outlook client version at 6.0.6980.3
How can I know my Outlook CDO version online?
How can I know my Outlook CDO version online?
KO said:I am being asked by a vendor to check my Outlook client version at
How can I know my Outlook CDO version online?
Diane Poremsky said:Your outlook is version 6? Are you sure that is not outlook express?
KO said:Brian, I have tried it. However, I cannot find the cdo there.
Anything wrong with my Outlook. My software is Outlook, not Outlook
express and the version is 11.0. The Exchange server is Exchange
Sue Mosher said:CDO is not part of the default Outlook installation. You may need to rerun setup and install it.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers