How do I keep it in Cap's regardless of Cap Locks?

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I don’t have very many Computer Friendly Users, and need it to be simplistic.

Question: Can I Force the Text Box to always stay in Cap? If so How?
Use the KeyPress event of the field

below is an example using the period_am field

Private Sub period_am_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))
end sub
Or wait until all of the typing's complete, and change the input in the
field's AfterUpdate event:

Private Sub period_am_AfterUpdate()
Me.period_am = UCase(Me.period_am)
End Sub
how about setting the table's field format property to ">" ? wouldn't this
be a simpler solution? it does change the form's field value after update.
Not really. Format only controls how values are displayed, not how they're
****big 'stupid' sign flashing overhead*********

that explains quite a few of the 'glitches' i've been getting. thanks for
clearing that up!