how do i keep exceptions made on past recurrene when i cancel fut.

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I note changes and notes on reccence appointments as they occur. When I have
to cancel the remeining future appointments I lose all my notes. Is there
any technique to just cancel future without affecting past occurences?
Lon said:
I note changes and notes on reccence appointments as they occur.
When I have to cancel the remeining future appointments I lose all my
notes. Is there any technique to just cancel future without
affecting past occurences?

None that I know. A recurring item is a single item no matter how many
recurrences it has. Are you "cancelling" future occurrences by adding an
end date?
Thanks for your reply. It comfirmed what I thought about the subject. I
just wish Microsoft would enhance the recurrence to enable notes on past
appointments to be kept when future appointments are changed.

To answer your question, Yes when i have to cancel its usually because the
appointment will be at a different time in the future. My "get-around" is to
always open the series, give the date of the exception, e.g. add a note about
a specific appointment, I do it cumullatively. If the notes makes the
printed schedule too long I print and file them monthly. Clumsly but it's
the best I've come up with so far.