How do I install add-in for data analysis in Excel Pro 2002?

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Howard said:
How do I install from the Office 2000 installation disk?

Put Office CD in drive and cancel Intstall when it starts
Use Start|Control Panel| Add Remove Programs
Locate Microsoft Office; clcik on Change
In dialog change the compontents of Excel to include (Data) Analysis ToolPac

Now when you start Excel: Tools|Add In; check (Data) Analysis ToolPac

best wishes
If Analysis Toolpak is not available in Tools>Addins, perhaps a "custom"
install was done rather than "typical".

You will have to install from CD.

Following is for Office 2002 under Windows XP. Your setup may vary.

Go to Start>Settings>Control Panel and Add/remove programs.

Have your CD handy.

Click on Office 2000 or whatever it is called.

Select "Change" and "Add or Remove Programs".

Browse through and select the add-in required. Follow the steps.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP