wired and confused
How do Install my 9800 pro after been using the 56.72 with my GF4 TI 4600.
Kill Bill said:Good Lord, just add/remove programs the Nvidia drivers. Swap out the card
and load up the new ATI drivers. That's all I did....
- Download newest ATI driver files (4.6) from ATI and save to your hard
- download driver cleaner - do google searh - and install on your computer -
but don't remove naything yet
- Uninstall Nvidia drivers using Windows remove program.
- Power down
- Take out Nvidia card and install ATI card .. don't forget to plug in power
cord on teh ATI card
- boot up in safemode and then run drvier cleaner and get rid of Nviida
stuff - directions are pretty easy
- reboot and computer will find new hardware and then install the new ATI
driver set you just downloaded
- enjoy