How Do I Insert Value from one Field into a different field



I have a database that contains both starting and ending mileages.
What I would like to do is have the data entry from show the default entry
for the starting mileage be the ending mileage from the last record.

I also need to be able to override this default in case the number changes
for some reason.

I have tried a Dlookup function and have not had any luck.



On the form Load event you can set the default

Me.starting.DefaultValue = DlookUp("Start FieldName","TableName","[Key
fieldName] = " & DMax("[Key fieldName]","[TableName]"))

Me.ending.DefaultValue = DlookUp("End FieldName","TableName","[Key
fieldName] = " & DMax("[Key fieldName]","[TableName]"))
The Dmax is used to bring the last record entered, you need to change the
[Key fieldName] to the name of the field that indicate which field was the
last to be entered.
On the After update event of the form, you need to add the code that check
if the value changed, if it did, it will change the default

If Me.starting.DefaultValue <> Me.starting Then
Me.starting.DefaultValue = Me.starting
End If
If Me.ending.DefaultValue <> Me.ending Then
Me.ending.DefaultValue = Me.ending
End If


Use an unbound textbox on your data entry form that pulls the last mileage.
Then have your bound textbox (starting mileage) default to the value in the
unbound textbox.

Phillip Windell

In the Form's "OnLoad" event use the following Select statement pattern to
get the startmilage from the Record with the highest Date.

SELECT Top 1<startmileage> FROM <table> ORDER BY <date> ASC

Then apply it to the value of the Text Box on the Form, something along the
lines of:

txtStartMileage.text = <startmileage>

My knowledge of VB and SQL is "generic" in nature and my knowledge of the
specifics of Access is limited. Sorry I can't be more specific than this,
but it should point you in the right direction.

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