how do i insert boxes that pop up when u scroll over text

  • Thread starter Thread starter beach bebe
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beach bebe

i need to insert a box so that when i scroll over certain text, the box pops
up providing the necessary information. the box would be invisible until i
scroll over the text, icon, or whatever?? help.......
beach said:
i need to insert a box so that when i scroll over certain text, the
box pops up providing the necessary information. the box would be
invisible until i scroll over the text, icon, or whatever??

Word doesn't have that ability. The closest it comes is when you use the
Insert > Comment command.

The kind of popup you're thinking of is an HTML thing that works in web
pages, but not in Word.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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You can do this in Word 2007 (possible earlier versions as well) as a Footnote or as an Endnote. Footnotes will display on the bottom of the same page as the reference number while endnotes will display at the end of the document, but when you hover over the reference number within the text the entire note message is displayed.