How do I insert bookmark within a webpage


Jerry Arzin


I am to create another bookmark from the webpage templete called
"frequently asked questions" from frontpage as follows:

Content page
1. what
2. when
3. How
4. Where
5 Photo links (This is what I want to add)
1. What

(back to top)
2. When

(back to top)
3. How

(back to top)
4. Where

(back to top)

so the question is, where do I insert the link * from top or bottom.
From the website of microsoft, I learnt that there is a design button
on the page view ( I cannot find one there) and it said when you click
insert, bookmark, then type your bookmark name, then a sign *a flag
will appear from the place where you want to insert the link. But I
just don't get it...

I am to use the templete to put my diary online, so there will be
links like 01/10/04, 02/10/04, can anybody tell me what is the best
approach to do it?



I assume you have a page where you want Photo Links in a
list at the top and when a visitor clicks it, the page
scrolls down to a section or heading called Photo Links.

Put the cursor on Photo Links heading or section "the
destination" where you want visitor to end up. You could
just put it there or highlight the word Photo.

Click Insert>Bookmark and type in a name or "Photo" will
be there if you highlighted it.

Then, back up at the top, on the link where you want the
visitor to click to be directed to Photo Links, highlight
the link text, click Hyperlink button or Edit>Hyperlink.
Then, in the Bookmark area, use the pulldown box to choose
Photo or #name-you-typed-in.


Two approaches. 1. You can insert a bookmark anywhere on the page (where
your curser is), then give the bookmark a spaces...
2. You can select a short piece of text (like a title or heading or a date)
and FP will use that as the bookmark name.
I like the latter as it is more descriptive of the bookmark.
Then you need to make a hyperlink to the bookmark. Select the text, insert
hyperlink, go to the page (you can select "place in this document"), select
the bookmark, and that's it.

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