How do I insert blank cells with VBA?



I run a comparison between column A and column H. Sometimes column A has the
same number, with different data in column B. I need to insert and move down
6 cells beginning in column H. Is there a function or VBA code that can
handle this operation.

dan dungan

I'm not quite clear on your request:
I run a comparison between column A and column H.
1. How do you run the comparison?
I need to insert and move down 6 cells beginning in column H.
2a. What do you want to insert? Data? Rows? Cells?
2b. I don't understand "beginning in column H".


Sorry, I import or link data into a single spreadsheet. The data should be
identical from both sources, but .... due to errors, I/we have to run
analysis on both sets of data to confirm no errors.
In columns A thru F is data from one source and columns H thru M is data
from the second source. Columns A and H are flight/mission numbers.
Periodically, adjustments occur to the first source (in column A), but when
the adjustments are made they are typically made as 2 separate entries,
reusing the flight/mission number. The data from my second source will not
allow duplication of the flight/mission numbers, so the entry is adjusted
then re-entered.
We import or link the data from the 2 sources and I need to be able to keep
the flight/mission numbers lined up, by adding space (horizontally).


Found the code:
Used as a macro, place the cursor in the row you want to insert blank cells,
the Range is the columns to insert blank cells.

Sub InsertCells()
' InsertCells Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+C
Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1).Range("H1:M1").Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
End Sub

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