With your cursor where you want the address to be inserted click the Insert
Address button, it looks like an open book. (If that button is not present
select Tools | Customize | Command tab | In category window select Insert |
In Commands window scroll down until you see Address book | click on that
selection and drag it up to any active toolbar and let go.) Click the Insert
Address button if you are connected to Outlook you may be presented with
Choose Profile window. From this point on it should be the same as what you
do with the envelops. Welcome to Word. Hope this helps.
JBowman said:
As a recent convert from Word Perfect to Word, I'm having crossover
issues... My main irk is that I do not seem to be able to insert a name and
address from my contacts file into a document (I know I can insert it into
an envelope, but I need to be able to insert it into the text of a document
ie giving the receipient of the letter someone else's name and address
without retyping it). Please help!