Another case of showing you being easier than telling you. Hope you can
understand VBA code at least a little. Download this workbook and examine
the code in the code module. Obviously the workbook contains macros, so its
functionality will be determined by your Macro Security settings.
Any questions you have, I'll try to answer. It's kind of a fully functional
thing, I just hope you can adapt it to whatever work you've already done.
I guess the important things to tell you about the code is that the Timer
returns time in seconds since midnight, so you use a value like 60 for 60
seconds to be added to the time the test starts for a check. You'll see a
loop containing a DoEvents statement - the program actually loops in there
for the time allowed until the time is up or they click the [STOP] button
I've provided. The DoEvents lets the system take care of other business like
them entering their answers on the worksheet while the timer is keeping track
of the time used.
Khaarthic said:
I have crated a worksheet for some mental sums. I would like to insert a
timer function, say to complete 10 sums in 1 minute. How Can I do this? Can
someone help? Thanks