How do I increase the size of the entire slide (i.e. poster)?

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I am constructing a poster for an academic presentation. My assignment is to
summarize a few academic journal articles using text, figures, and/or images
in the format of a poster; exact size is unspecified, but examples were in
the range of 36" by 48", or maybe 100cm by 140cm. I need to be able to
enlarge the size of the entire slide so that I can fit all the content that I
need onto the one slide. I know this has been done because past student have
used PowerPoint for similar posters. ANy suggestions?
No problem Shawn.

Though you should really be thanking Steve Rindsberg who tirelessly
maintains the pptfaq - the world's best source of info for all things
powerpoint :-)

MOS Master Instructor

PowerPoint Live 2007 28-31 October in New Orleans
See you there

I am currently writing a compiled help (CHM) file for students who wish to
use PowerPoint for poster construction. It should be completed in the next
month or so. If you, or anyone else in the newsgroup, wishes a copy, I'll
be glad to send you a copy.

I am also seeking "beta testers" to try it out.

My intent is to offer it free to academic end users; others may obtain a
license for a very modest charge.

If you wish to contact me abour it, please send me an
(e-mail address removed)

{--- Bob --}