B Bob I Oct 7, 2009 #2 Excel doesn't import forms from databases only data. You would need to create the form yourself. CJCN wrote:
Excel doesn't import forms from databases only data. You would need to create the form yourself. CJCN wrote:
D Don Guillett Oct 7, 2009 #3 http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GFRD_en___US219&q=wfm+files
C CJCN Oct 7, 2009 #4 Don, Thanks for this. Sadly I had already found this and it was not particularly helpful, especially as wmf files seem to differ according to the device that created them.
Don, Thanks for this. Sadly I had already found this and it was not particularly helpful, especially as wmf files seem to differ according to the device that created them.