how do i import powerpoint 2003 into macromedia director?



Reading the help pages in macromedia director, it says ppt can only be
imported if its powerpoint 4. I have powerpoint 2003 (I'm not sure of the
diference). I'd be very gratfuil if someone could tell me how i can convert
ppt 2003 to ppt 4? or if there's another way?

Thank you, Martin

Steve Rindsberg

Reading the help pages in macromedia director, it says ppt can only be
imported if its powerpoint 4. I have powerpoint 2003 (I'm not sure of the
diference). I'd be very gratfuil if someone could tell me how i can convert
ppt 2003 to ppt 4? or if there's another way?

Macromedia's not too terribly serious about PPT support, are they? <g>
PowerPoint 4 went away at about the same time as Windows 95 arrived; it'll be
ten years soon.

PPT2003 will save to PowerPoint 95 format; you might want to give that a try
to see if Director buys it. It may not, since PPT95 is 32-bit to PPT4's

If no luck there, try to find someone with a copy of PowerPoint 2000. It can
save back to PPT4 format.

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