Hello, msellards!
You wrote on Tue, 29 Mar 2005 20:03:03 -0800:
m> Seems to me like importing Outlook contacts into Business Contact
m> Manager
m> woudl be a simple proceedure. It may be if you know how. Anybody know
m> how!
From inside of Outlook, you simply go to contacts, and in the left hand
corner, you'll see "Contacts in Business Contact Manager". Just drag the
contact's information there, and it copies (I used Right click and copy).
As far as importing from other programs, Microsoft is going to build it into
certain ones, and I would imagine that the Office SDK and the SDK's for the
various programs (Such as SBA, which has it's own public newsgroup) will
have scripts you can use for other programs. Although I'm not entirely
sure how well it would work with say QuickBooks or other competitor's
With best regards, Patrick Dickey. E-mail: pd1ckey43**RemoveThis**@msn.com