How do I import my address book from my POP 3 Juno account?

  • Thread starter Thread starter dick
  • Start date Start date


I'm hoping to import my address book from my juno email on the web account to
Outlook, and then to export it to my new Hotmail account.
I seem to be botching it badly, so far. I was able to save my list to
'Recent Documents'. My efforts to COPY and Paste as an individual 'New
Contact' result in partial information and the email address, phone number,
etc. are missing.
Are there step-by-step instructions to accomplish what should be a
relatively easy task? Also, it looks as though Outlook has stripped all of my
mail from my juno account. How do I send it back, or to the new hotmail acct?
Thank you for any assistance or guidance, Dick
First thing is to understand the import/export process for any program.
Outlook has pre-defined data formats that it works with.

As a reference, this may provide some insight to the question posed

How do I import from ??? in Outlook

Just doing a quick scan using the google search term "juno export contacts"
indicates that there is a paid product out there somewhere that deals with
the issue - otherwise it appears to be a mess to deal with but Juno (and
any related Juno support forums) would be the logical first place to start
asking. Immediate first impression is that Juno doesn't make it a freindly

Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - QuickPort/DataPort/Exporter/Toolkit/Duplicate Contact Mgr
"Contact import/export/data management tools for Outlook '2000/2010"
I'm hoping to import my address book from my juno email on the web account
Outlook, and then to export it to my new Hotmail account.

See this:
I seem to be botching it badly, so far. I was able to save my list to
'Recent Documents'. My efforts to COPY and Paste as an individual 'New
Contact' result in partial information and the email address, phone number,
etc. are missing.
Are there step-by-step instructions to accomplish what should be a
relatively easy task? Also, it looks as though Outlook has stripped all of
mail from my juno account. How do I send it back, or to the new hotmail

How are you accessing your Hotmail account? If you are using the Outlook
Connector, import the CSV file that exporting from the Juno webpage will
produce and import it into the Hotmail Conacts folder.