I created in VB.Net two dlls projects. dllA and dllB both will have the same
subs/functions name but do different things.
They have classes with interfaces as seen below.
How from a third dll project (dllC) can I call those subs
Seems that I always missed an entrypoint. or something.
Those dlls are all store in the same folder as the dllC.
Thank you very much for the help.
Namespace NA
Interface iA
sub doThis(byVal a string)
End Interface
Class cA
implements iA
sub New(myParam as string)
'..... do something
end sub
private sub doThis(byVal a as string) implements iA.doThis
'do something with a
end sub
end Class
end Namespace
Namespace NB
Interface iB
sub doThis(byVal b string)
End Interface
Class cB
implements iB
sub New(myParam as string)
'..... do something
end sub
private sub doThis(byVal b as string) implements iB.doThis
'do something with b
end sub
end Class
end Namespace
Namespace C
Class C
dim thisDLL as string
'Set thisDll with the name that correspond to the needs
'Assuming that I want dllB
thisDll = "dllB"
'WHAT to Do from here to be able to call that dll and that sub?
end Class
end Namespace
subs/functions name but do different things.
They have classes with interfaces as seen below.
How from a third dll project (dllC) can I call those subs
Seems that I always missed an entrypoint. or something.
Those dlls are all store in the same folder as the dllC.
Thank you very much for the help.
Namespace NA
Interface iA
sub doThis(byVal a string)
End Interface
Class cA
implements iA
sub New(myParam as string)
'..... do something
end sub
private sub doThis(byVal a as string) implements iA.doThis
'do something with a
end sub
end Class
end Namespace
Namespace NB
Interface iB
sub doThis(byVal b string)
End Interface
Class cB
implements iB
sub New(myParam as string)
'..... do something
end sub
private sub doThis(byVal b as string) implements iB.doThis
'do something with b
end sub
end Class
end Namespace
Namespace C
Class C
dim thisDLL as string
'Set thisDll with the name that correspond to the needs
'Assuming that I want dllB
thisDll = "dllB"
'WHAT to Do from here to be able to call that dll and that sub?
end Class
end Namespace