ciciamy said:Applies to MC-powerpoint 2003
On Sep 10, 5:57 pm, Jen Tebo <Jen (e-mail address removed)>
May be you just want to know how to use a powerpointtemplateto
create a powerpoint presentation, I am right ?
How do I apply atemplateto a PowerPoint presentation?
Applies to MC-powerpoint 2003
1. Open your presentation.
2. At the bottom, near the statusbar, you will see the name of the
current theme. refer to the image inserted here. In the image, the
name of thetemplateshown is "Default Design".
3. Double click on that name. In PowerPoint 2002 and above, a sidebar
will open on the right hand side.
4. You will see a drop down menu at the top of the sidebar. It will be
initially showing the text "Getting Started". Click on it and select
"Slide Design". You will see this, as in the picture.
5. If thetemplatethat you want to use is visible there, just click
on it, and it will be applied!
6. If thetemplateis new and you want to use it, look at the bottom
of the sidebar. You will see "Browse", as in the picture.
7. Click on "Browse", browse to the .pot file that you have on your
hard disk and select it.
8. The newtemplatewill be applied by this action.
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