G Guest Sep 11, 2005 #1 i have a for that i enter in cc numbers i want to be able to store the actual number but on my report sho an x for the first 12 digits
i have a for that i enter in cc numbers i want to be able to store the actual number but on my report sho an x for the first 12 digits
A Allen Browne Sep 11, 2005 #2 Not all credit card numbers are 16 digits, but try: =String(12, "x") & Right([cc], 4)
D Debra Farnham Sep 11, 2005 #3 Try: Create an unbound textbox on your report and set its control source to: =String(12,"*") & Right([nameofcreditcardfield], number of digits you wish to show at the end of the credit card number) ie. if I have a credit card number of 4532 562 123 4562 in a field named CreditCard and I use =String(12, "*") & Right([CreditCard], 3), the result in the textbox would be ************562 HTH Debra
Try: Create an unbound textbox on your report and set its control source to: =String(12,"*") & Right([nameofcreditcardfield], number of digits you wish to show at the end of the credit card number) ie. if I have a credit card number of 4532 562 123 4562 in a field named CreditCard and I use =String(12, "*") & Right([CreditCard], 3), the result in the textbox would be ************562 HTH Debra