Windows Vista how do I get this unallocated space to drive E

Jul 11, 2012
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at one time I had a low in red line in my computer in drive E , it was listed as local drive and another drive that was labled C as listed local drive also ,
so when I opened disk management this is what I have and I dont know if its possible to to get the unallowcated space from the one partion just sitting there with 558 MB of un used space on it to the E drive that needs more space?

Right click on E: and then select extend drive
Hi Evans, im not familar with this how ever you know about it and how it works so could you please walk me through it ,I will appreciate it and what I dont under stand is what is the partition with 558MB doing ther , can I get those 5558 mb to drive E and have a little more space in drive E because its low? thank you (e-mail address removed)
Right click on E: and then select extend drive

about extending drive E to get the unallocated 558MB space added to driveE
is it that simple just right click and choose extend on E then whats next,Im not at all familar with volumes and partitions .please try to walk me through this it took a lot of effort and time just for me to get my computer back to normal to I want to know exactley step by step on what IM doing ,thank you so much
Right click on E: and then select extend drive
I tried to right click on E drive in management , Extend Drive wont work for this drive its shadowed out yet I tried the same right click on drive C and it does let me extend, how ever I have plenty of space on tht drive
Perhaps this could help.

Except, substitute your E drive.

Also, it appears that, in your image, the E drive is very small. Was this a failed attempt at installing a new disk? It seems as if the unallocated space is probably part of the disk that contains E. If there isn't anything stored there, remove the partition (right click and delete) and it should all return to unallocated space. Then, right click and choose format.

***NOTE: Be SURE that you have ALL information off and that you are properly identifying disks during this process. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU DELETE YOUR MACHINE!******
Perhaps this could help.

Except, substitute your E drive.

Also, it appears that, in your image, the E drive is very small. Was this a failed attempt at installing a new disk? It seems as if the unallocated space is probably part of the disk that contains E. If there isn't anything stored there, remove the partition (right click and delete) and it should all return to unallocated space. Then, right click and choose format.

***NOTE: Be SURE that you have ALL information off and that you are properly identifying disks during this process. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU DELETE YOUR MACHINE!******
should I first back up drive E then follow your instuctions here is a screenshot of whats on it
Based on that screen shot, it seems as if your Windows installation is located on the E drive rather than the default C. Not sure how that happened for you but, I have seen that before. The only way to correct that issue is to reinstall Windows and use C as the default.

With that being said....DON'T FORMAT THAT.

The C drive appears to have a great deal of space. You could free up space on the E drive by moving data to the C drive. Move things from your Documents folder, as most things probably reside there. When I say "move," I mean exactly that. You have very little space on the E drive and need to free space for Windows to operate properly.

In the future, start saving things to the C drive where it appears you have a great deal of space. If you move data to that drive and choose to reinstall the system at any time, I recommend disconnecting that drive so that you do not erase any information you deem important enough to keep. Then, be certain to install Windows on the C drive (the current E drive, you will get options to choose the drive and you may have to use computer management to properly ID the one you have currently as the E drive.).

Hope that helps a little bit.
Based on that screen shot, it seems as if your Windows installation is located on the E drive rather than the default C. Not sure how that happened for you but, I have seen that before. The only way to correct that issue is to reinstall Windows and use C as the default.

With that being said....DON'T FORMAT THAT.

The C drive appears to have a great deal of space. You could free up space on the E drive by moving data to the C drive. Move things from your Documents folder, as most things probably reside there. When I say "move," I mean exactly that. You have very little space on the E drive and need to free space for Windows to operate properly.

In the future, start saving things to the C drive where it appears you have a great deal of space. If you move data to that drive and choose to reinstall the system at any time, I recommend disconnecting that drive so that you do not erase any information you deem important enough to keep. Then, be certain to install Windows on the C drive (the current E drive, you will get options to choose the drive and you may have to use computer management to properly ID the one you have currently as the E drive.).

Hope that helps a little bit.
what can I do or how do I reinstall windows , can I do it from the internet , do I have to uninstall my windows Im useing now VISTA HOME BASIC WITH IE 7? and how do I direct the new instalationon to the C drive hers a drop dow of the proam files in both C and E if it will help .

Well, in order to reinstall Windows, you need to call Dell and get the installation software for this machine, if you don't have them.

If the machine is out of warranty, chances are that it will cost some money.

did you purchase it used or something? Dell doesn't mess this type of installation up, ever. Someone else had to have installed Windows on it for this to happen.
Well, in order to reinstall Windows, you need to call Dell and get the installation software for this machine, if you don't have them.

If the machine is out of warranty, chances are that it will cost some money.

did you purchase it used or something? Dell doesn't mess this type of installation up, ever. Someone else had to have installed Windows on it for this to happen.

I have a vista restore disk that came with this computer and another disk with drivers, and a 3rd disk ,that says this computer cam with this disk instlled on it. when I ran the vista disk last week , it straightend out all the files , how ever it relabled the disk D local and E local D disaperared ? how ever when I plug in a flash drive it gets labled as disk D and now I noticed ther is a lot of duplicate folders and file on E that areon C also ?
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I don't know what's up with your USB stick. Something would have had to be configured to copy the files like you have them now. I would put in a CLEAN USB stick and backup any information you want. THEN, run the Vista disk and choose the option to format the drive. Also, make sure that the installation says C:\Windows for the installation folder. If you format the drive using the installer, it should configure the system properly.
to be honest, you should probably <cringe> pay for support to get this resolved. attempting this process via forum is difficult. I have many tricks via remote access but may render your machine useless and i won't take that responsibility.

I wish you luck with the issue. this is your best course of action given the scenario. either that or deal with the drive configuration and use the C as your storage.

You really need to take this PC to a "good" reliable PC repair shop ... they will sort it in no time.
