How do I get the AutoNumber (or Identity) for a newly inserted record with

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Check out my article on\articles (Managing an Identity Crisis)

William (Bill) Vaughn
Author, Mentor, Consultant
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I was thinking about using identity columns as primary keys for all my
tables, but after reading your article, it seems i would have to
perform some tricks to implement them. So does anyone have a better
approach to generating id's for primary keys?

Would using GUIDS be a good way? Would they perform poorly?
Yes, you don't need a dataset at all, however, read William's article again.
You can use executescalar and a few other methods, but MSDE is free and
Output params can do a lot for you..
I've done the following for SQL Server Identity fields:
1) Build SQL Insert statement
2) Append "Select Scope_Identity();" (i.e "insert into table values
(...);select scope_identity();")
3) Execute this as Scalar to insert the record and then get a single result
back - your new ID.
Thanks Bill Vauhgn and the others for references to
articles they were extremely helpfull.
This is what I ended up doing:
Function WriteRecord(ByVal sql As String) As Int32

Dim ConnString As String
ConnString = GetConnStr
m_oOleDbConn = New OleDbConnection(ConnString)
m_oOleDbCmd = New OleDbCommand(sql,
m_oCmdIdentity = New OleDb.OleDbCommand
("SELECT @@IDENTITY", m_oOleDbConn)
WriteRecord = CInt
Catch exc As Exception
End Try
If the INT32 is overkill let me know.
Note: CleanUp of objects is in another Method.

Works great. One of the articles did strongly suggest
using a differrent command object for the Identity query.

Thanks Every one. I will go back and read the articles
again to
make sure I remember and understand them better. BTW-Great
article Bill.