How do I get started using the Countif, Countifs option with Excel

  • Thread starter Thread starter mlkkrs
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In A1:A10, enter a letter in each: a, b, c, x, y, z. a, b, c, a
In B1 enter =COUNTIF(A1:A10,"a") this will return a count of how man 'c'
values in A1A:10
So will =COUNTIFS(A1:A10,"a")

In D1:D10 enter some values: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 7, 8. 9, 3
In E1 =COUNTIF(D1:D10,">=5") returns how many have values of 5 or more
in E2 enter 5
In E3 =COUNTIF(D1:D10,">="&E2) returns how many have values equal or more
than value in E2

In F1 =COUNTIF(a1:a10,"c",B1:B10,5) count how many row have c in columne A
and 5 in column B
Now experiment !
best wishes