Vt industries said:
I have a water mark on my powerpoint presentation that I want to use on all
of the pages except the first page. How do I make that a blank page so I can
put the company logo...etc on it while keeping the watermark on the rest of
the pages?
It depends on how the watermark's added and on your Powerpoint version, but try
Format, Background, put a check next to "Omit background graphics from master"
and click Apply (note *NOT* Apply To All). That'll eliminate EVERYTHING from
the master slide. If you want to keep some of the stuff, choose View, Master,
Slide Master, select what you want, press Ctrl+C, then return to Normal View,
press Ctrl+V then from the Drawing toolbar, choose Draw, Order, Send to Back
View, Master, Slide Master. See if there are at least two masters. If not,
click Insert, New Title Master. Format it the way you want your first page to
look, then return to normal view. If your first slide doesn't automatically
assume the formatting you've applied to the title master, choose Format, Slide
Layout and reapply the Title slide layout.