cdb said:
What can I do to my system to confirgure it for maximum performance? Are
there any handy tricks/tips that can be used to make it all a bit better?
I'm currently using a seemingly very resource intensive program and when
that's running everything else slows to a snails pace. Is there any options
or setting etc that I can fiddle with to help?
Some of what you can do will depend on what your preferences are:
1. Buy more RAM - 256 MB is usually ok, but if your app requires a lot
of RAM, go with 512 or more.
2. Buy a newer PC. Get a faster CPU, and a faster Front-side Bus. Also,
a faster hard drive.
3. If you want to give other apps more cpu time, go into task manager >
processes > right-click the process that you want to get more cpu time
and increase its priority.
4. If you want the Windows Kernel to be loaded into RAM so the OS has
quicker access to its functions, and you have at least 256 MB of RAM
installed, backup the Registry and go into the Registry and go to
HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session
Manager\Memory Management
LargeSystemCache - Double click it and change the decimal value to 1.
5. If you want Windows to keep data in RAM rather than paging it to
virtual memory, and you have at least 256 MB of RAM installed, backup
the Registry, open the Registry and go to
HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session
Manager\Memory Management
DisablePagingExecutive - Double click it and in the decimal value field,
put a 1.
Hope some of this helps.
The reader should exercise normal caution and backup the Registry and
data files regularly, and especially before making any changes to their
PC, as well as performing regular virus and spyware scans. I am not
liable for problems or mishaps that occur from the reader using advice
posted here. No warranty, express or implied, is given with the posting
of this message.