If you go to the Design tab and click the bottommost arrow in the Themes
gallery, it opens up the gallery. There's a link there, "browse for themes,"
that, when clicked, seems to open My Documents.
Hopefully that will get you started.
In PPT 2007, the themes are kept in C:\Documents and
Settings\UserName\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\Document Themes. If
you open a template (excuse me, Theme) and go to Save Current Theme, PPT
automatically goes to that folder. And if you save the template (excuse me,
Theme) as a theme there, it shows up in the gallery under a section called
I haven't yet tried moving POT files to that folder to see if they show up.
Not enough hours in the day.
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances
PPTLive! Sept 17-20, 2006
Eye Reader said:
Hello- I can't seem to find a tab or dorop down menu for my 2003 design
templates. I use a collection that I have as my favorites. How do I import
them? Also WHERE do you keep them (what folder) in powerpoint 2007 then
do you access them in the new RIBBON?
Thaqnks in advance - mike