how do i get font the same as the standard australian handwriting

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hi, im studying to become a teacher, and i have to do some typing for an
assignment, but i need to type it in the proper standard australian
handwriting, so that if kids copy my typing they are writing it in the
correct way. I'm sure i've seen other teachers choose an option which allows
for this.
For heavens sake, don't promote those god-awful styles! That's the way my
generation was taught to write: a writing style that turns illegible the
moment you try to go fast (ie, as soon as you start doing exams). The only
people I know with decent handwriting forced themselves to forget all that
school rubbish and start again.

Bring back copperplate!
nothing to do with your computer. If you have seen other teachers using a
particular font, ask them what it is! There is a font I use for teaching
English as a Second Language and Adult Literacy. (I cant tell you what it is,
that's why I'm sitting here reading this page, I've lost my fonts!) But it's
PRINTING not HANDWRITING, and I dont know what style of writing you are
wanting to teach. But surely other students and tutors at your Uni know what
it is.
Just Jones.