How do I get a slide or box to appear when rolling over text?



Hi ya,

I'd like to create a PP show where someone can roll their mouse over a text
and the definition comes up in a bubble or this possible? The only
way I can think of doing it is to hyperlink the text to a slide but then they
have to 'click' to go back and it's a bit clumsy. Any better suggestions?



See if screentip works for you.
Create the text.
Right click on the text and select hyperlink.
Choose place in this document, and select the current slide.
Click "Screen Tip" button and type the words you want to mouse over.

Also, check out trick #16 here:
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: May 21, 2006
Added PowerPoint Movies.
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate


Fabulous! thank you!

one more question on the previous issue, I can now insert an external PP
file to use as my Master File (a design that someone did for me) - but I
can't seem to adjust the text styles and layout (as part of the Master
template) it's as though the design is laying over the template....make



Please post the template issue on the previous topic you have created
instead. If the file isn't large, you may also send an email with the ppt
attachment to me for further help at pptheaven[at]gmail[dot]com.
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: May 21, 2006
Added PowerPoint Movies.
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate


I've worked this issue out - thank you :)

tohlz said:
Please post the template issue on the previous topic you have created
instead. If the file isn't large, you may also send an email with the ppt
attachment to me for further help at pptheaven[at]gmail[dot]com.
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP PowerPoint)

Site Updated: May 21, 2006
Added PowerPoint Movies.
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate

Sydney teacher said:
Fabulous! thank you!

one more question on the previous issue, I can now insert an external PP
file to use as my Master File (a design that someone did for me) - but I
can't seem to adjust the text styles and layout (as part of the Master
template) it's as though the design is laying over the template....make


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