T Tom [Pepper] Willett Nov 11, 2005 #2 We use windows servers. -- === Tom [Pepper] Willett Microsoft MVP - FrontPage --- FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/ About FrontPage 2003: http://office.microsoft.com/home/office.aspx?assetid=FX01085802 === | What server do you suggest the most for my website to run.
We use windows servers. -- === Tom [Pepper] Willett Microsoft MVP - FrontPage --- FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/ About FrontPage 2003: http://office.microsoft.com/home/office.aspx?assetid=FX01085802 === | What server do you suggest the most for my website to run.
P p c Nov 12, 2005 #3 Win2003 comes with IIS6 supports ASP and ASP.NET and FPSE. Are you going to have your site on your own server or on a host? Hosts using windows are using win2k or 2003. (There may be soem WINNT servers runing sites.)
Win2003 comes with IIS6 supports ASP and ASP.NET and FPSE. Are you going to have your site on your own server or on a host? Hosts using windows are using win2k or 2003. (There may be soem WINNT servers runing sites.)