Assume I have an C++.net function called loadPostNames see below.
loadPostNames( dialog->GetAllPostNames(index) );
This function loadPostNames have GetAllPostNames(index) as a parameter.
Function GetAllPostNames is a method in C#.
Now to my question this identifier index passed as a parameter to method
GetAllPostNames is changed in
C# I want to be able to get the new changed value back to the C++.Net
I have tried several possibilitys but I get compile error.
How should I write?
Assume I have an C++.net function called loadPostNames see below.
loadPostNames( dialog->GetAllPostNames(index) );
This function loadPostNames have GetAllPostNames(index) as a parameter.
Function GetAllPostNames is a method in C#.
Now to my question this identifier index passed as a parameter to method
GetAllPostNames is changed in
C# I want to be able to get the new changed value back to the C++.Net
I have tried several possibilitys but I get compile error.
How should I write?