how do I format cells to change date and time to just date



I want to format a column that contains date and time and I want it to show
just the date and not the time. Going into format and clicking on the date
and changing doesnt work.

Niek Otten

Probably the cells aren't really dates, but text. You can check with the
ISTEXT() function.
If they are text, formatting doesn't have any effect.

Kind regards,

Niek Otten

Microsoft MVP - Excel


if your column contains text (sounds like it does but you can verify b
using ISTEXT or TYPE - Type will return "2" if it's text) then you ca
convert the values to a number by using VALUE. You have to insert
column first (ideally to the left). Let's say you have a date in th
cell C2 and B is the new column you added. Type "=VALUE(C2)" in cel
B2. That will convert your string date (as long as it's in a dat
format that Excel recognizes) to a number date. It will be formatted a
a number initially but you can now apply the date formats. If this is
one time change, I would copy > paste values on column B and the
delete column C so it's cleaner to work with

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