I can do maths on the deciaml number of pounds but to display stone ponds ounces
I have used a very crude hack
There must be a more refined way to achieve my end result
What I need is take the number of pounds divide by 14 to give nuber of stone
then subtract from the total number of pounds the stone * 14 figure
I then have a number of number of pounds so 162.4
becomes 11 st 8 lbs 6 oz
=TEXT(INT(B2/14),"#")&" st "&TEXT(MOD(B2, 14),"#")& " lbs " &TEXT(MOD(S2, 16),"#")& " oz"
my formula a copy of that posted by Bernard Liengmehas used requires a figure for the number of oz
to be calculated to be used as S2 in the formula.
I guess it is possible to do a MOD of a MOD ie 162.4 pounds divided by 14 gives the number of
stones 11 remainer 0.6 stone = 8.4 pounds = 8 pounds 0.4 * 16 = 6.4 = 6 ounces
I dont even know if traditionally in the UK a fraction of ounces would ever be used.
If so how would I modify the TEXT(MOD(S2, 16),"#") which takes 6.4 oz and rounds to 6
So for mathematical completness it would be 11 st 8 lbs 6.4 oz admittedly more accurate than the scales could measure!
Any help gratefully received