How do I form a relationship between tables?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lady123
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This is Newbie Again....Does anyone know if theres an 800# for customer
service ofr MS Access I need HELP ASAP? I'm trying to run several reports.
One report is based on the expressions from two table relationships...I hope
I'm saying it right... Do I enter my expression in design view if so; once in
design view where do I go?FYI: I've already setup my queries & tables for the
reports. I need to enter expressions, but I don't know what values to enter
and where. Also, I have several questions to include the following:

#1. Is there a sheet with basic or advance functions that show how to
calculate expressions & values for various reports? #2. How do I create
values for my reports and are the values I have listed below correct?

1. if (completion date) are blank(completiondate) is true - I want to run
a report showing blank completion dates.

2. if (completiondate)=(blank)then(completiondate)=true - I want to show
only completion dates (no blanks)

3. if responsibleparty! [from table1informationquery]!then sort by
duedate[responsibileparty=true then sort by [duedate] - I want to group each
responsible party's tasks together by due dates in decending order. I don't
want to see individuals parties & dates.

4. Ratio of days - how do I run a report to show this?

5. (Percentage %) by days complete & incomplete - I want to creat a report
that will show a percentage of the completed vrs the incompleted tasks.
It sounds like you're finding (and correctly) that Access is a "table saw",
not a bookcase.

No, you won't find ready-made reports that "know" your data and what to do
with it. You will need to tell Access what, where and how.

Is there a Community College or University near you? They may have students
learning to use Access who could help.

These newsgroups are an "800#" equivalent, if by that you mean volunteer
help, at no cost.

Good luck


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP