Go to run,type:services.msc In msc,scroll to task schedular (task
click,set to auto start,start service,close out.If it doesnt let you &
youre a
administrative account,at starting pc,tap the F8 key,safe mode,enter as
"administrator",do as outlined above.
I have EXACTLY same problem. I followed Andrew's instructions, to no
effect. However in Safe mode I could not start the task scheduler,
said it couldn't be started in Safe Mode or somethinbg like that.
Other systems are that when I start Windows Live Mail client, I get
message that Outlook Express wants to compress its data base.
Event Manager, Componet Services, Service etc all seem to run OK.
Only odd thing was that the MS Firewall sprang to life when I started
Component Services asking if it was allowed to access the 'net, I said
no - I've not run Component Services previously, not event sure what
it's for. When I ran it a second time no Firewall message - can one
see what programs and ports the FW has enabled.
I run Windows firewall, Windows Defender and AVG Free - AVG found a
trojan horse about a week ago, but these problems on manifested over
past 24 hours, the trojan could have been a smoke screen for a time
bombed virus.