You as << Is there a way whereby i dont have to check the same manually.>>
There is an important requirement to ensure the integrity and reliability of
data. To do that you need to ensure that ALL data on possibly duplicated
records is exactly the same. There is a possibility that data in certain
fields are more up-to-date than others. There is, therefore, a need to
inspect all possibly duplicated data. Assuming that because data in one or
two fields are the same, the rest is going to be duplicated is downright
dangerous as once deleted it may not be recoverable.
How much data from the 2000 records every week is actually duplicated
(Rhetorical)? If it is a lot it would be in the interest of everyone to
look at and change your working systems to reduce (if not eliminate) the
duplication at source. Reducing tedious unnecessary work would increase
If you are not getting much duplication or just cannot stem the flow you
could resort to a semi-automatic method. Add a helper field -
You are limited to the number of arguments so you may not be able to check
all fields. To do that you'll need a second (third) helper field (to cover
the ones not covered by the previous ones and a last to check if either the
first ones (or three) have returned a "Dup".
Sort data by the three most significant fields.
Goto and delete the duplicates.
As you will appreciate this is not pretty and involves some effort in
setting up. As with other things, the answer is yes, it can be done but are
you willing to accept the price.
Good luck.
Bill Ridgeway
Computer Solutions