How do I find a document based on a word grouping?



In previous versions of Word, when you go to file > open you had the option
of finding a word string in a document based on your personal directories.
i.e., if I typed "Midwest Marketing Plan" it would find every document that
contained that word string. This feature appears to have vanished. Can
anyone help???

Herb Tyson [MVP]

What version of Word are you now using?

If you're using Word 2003, in the Open dialog, choose Tools - Search. I
don't find this nearly as useful/intuitive as the search features in earlier
versions of Word, but it can be made to work.

If you're using Word 2007 in Vista, the Search box in the upper right corner
of the Open dialog (and other file dialog boxes) provides the best searching
ability ever (IMO).

If you're using Word 2007 in Windows XP, let me say how sorry I am for you.
There is the new Desktop Search thing you can install, which, for my money,
is a nightmare. It randomly chooses when to work and when to not work, in my
experience. It's about as reliable as \insert the name of the least reliable
thing you can think of\.

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word 2007 Bible

"Mail Merge and Form Protection in Word 2"


Oh great - we are in Office 2007 using Windows XP. Vista upgrade won;t
happen until next year is the rumor I am hearing. Thx for the info and

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