How do I find a column number for a cell containing a value

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gilgamesh
  • Start date Start date


I have a range of cells A1:CZ1 all of which have different values. I
need to find the column number for a cell that contains a certain value.
I know I can use cells.find which returns the value rather than the cell
reference, and I have seen other posts in this group to return a number when
the cell is known range(ColAddress).cells(1,1).column

I can easily put this in a simple loop but I was wondering if there was a
smarter way that could do it in one line using built-in functions. If it
was a loop it would have to be processed many times for the different values
I need to lookup slowing things down quite a bit.


or use vba FIND with
if not mycol is nothing then msgbox mycol.column
cells.find can be used to return a row/column number or address or any number
of other properties the cell might have.

myRow = cells.find(What:="Joe Smith").row
myCol = cells.find(What:="Joe Smith").column
myAddr = cells.find(What:="Joe Smith").address
Enter formula in A2:
copy this formula from B2 to CZ1 by dragging.
Enter a number in A5, say 12.
You will see all your entries A1:CZ1 that contain a 12.


Gabor Sebo
B Lynn B said:
cells.find can be used to return a row/column number or address or any
of other properties the cell might have.

myRow = cells.find(What:="Joe Smith").row
myCol = cells.find(What:="Joe Smith").column
myAddr = cells.find(What:="Joe Smith").address

Thank You

I wrote a VBA program and inserted a:12 in columns 1,6,11,30,92 and 104.
The outputs are column numbers (1,6,...104) and the columns for these 12.s:
A,F,K,AD,CN and CZ.
The output is unsophisticated.

best regards,

Gabor Sebo
worksheet encl.