if you're importing the data using the TransferSpreadsheet method, or
manually importing from File | Get External Data | Import on the menu bar,
then suggest you import the data into a temporary "holding" table. add two
extra fields to the table, for FirstName and LastName. after the import, run
an Update query on the holding table to split the name field and add the
names to the extra fields. try the following expressions in your Update
query, as
to get the last name:
IIf([HoldingTable].[NameField] Is
the above goes all on one line in the query.
to get the first name:
IIf(([HoldingTable].[NameField] Is
-InStr(1,([HoldingTable].[NameField]," ")))
again, the above goes all on one line in the query. substitute the correct
names of the holding table and the name field, of course. after running the
Update query, append the fixed records from the holding table into the
"real" data table.