It was easy in 2003, now I can't see how to simply fill a shape with a pattern.
that is now gone!
The other one I used all the time was snap to grid with drawing tools! With
the new version I can't make many of the technical presentation type drawings
I used to! For example, I can no longer make a "square wave" shape because of
the lack of snap-to on a grid!
Ahhh, shapes. Would making the shapes in Word then copy/paste work for you?Hercule Perot said:Lucy,
The graphics that I am using area being created with shapes. In one case
today it was to create a Gantt chart and in the other it was a geographic
of shapes.
Must admit I didn't know that original one as I'm a button gal forGroup and ungroup was Ctrl-Shft-G / Ctrl-Shft-H now it's Ctrl-G /
AFAIK Ctrl+O has always opened the open dialogue accross the Office suiteTo make matters worse, what was group is now ungroup. Ctrl-O
used to open the format menu, now it's file open.
My only suggestion is to add it to the QAT then you can use Alt + whateverFormat painter used to be
Ctrl-Shft-C which now is nothing.
I always used Ctrl+W to close files and that still works. In general, I.... and let's not start on how Excel
operates completely differently then the rest of the office suite (alt-F4
closes all rather than just the current file, and ctrl-[ and Ctrl-] do not
reduce and increase font size). I only use the standard keystrokes.
Just trying to ease the pain in any way I can(BTW, thanks for taking the time to reply to me)
Lucy Thomson said:Ahhh, shapes. Would making the shapes in Word then copy/paste work for you?Hercule Perot said:Lucy,
The graphics that I am using area being created with shapes. In one case
today it was to create a Gantt chart and in the other it was a geographic
of shapes.
Pattern fills are still around in Word '07. Or creating pictures of your
shape pattern fills and then using the picture fill command? I've done a wee
bit of testing and it seems old '03 shapes with pattern fill can be resized
& converted to other shapes in '07 (though not re-coloured) - could that
work for you?
I create Gantts in Excel (saves me having to buy/learn Project):
Must admit I didn't know that original one as I'm a button gal forGroup and ungroup was Ctrl-Shft-G / Ctrl-Shft-H now it's Ctrl-G /
group/ungroup - I suppose as I use the mouse to select so just hang on to
AFAIK Ctrl+O has always opened the open dialogue accross the Office suiteTo make matters worse, what was group is now ungroup. Ctrl-O
used to open the format menu, now it's file open.
My only suggestion is to add it to the QAT then you can use Alt + whateverFormat painter used to be
Ctrl-Shft-C which now is nothing.
'07 tells you. Personally I prefer pick up style & apply style commands to
format painter in PPT
I always used Ctrl+W to close files and that still works. In general, I.... and let's not start on how Excel
operates completely differently then the rest of the office suite (alt-F4
closes all rather than just the current file, and ctrl-[ and Ctrl-] do not
reduce and increase font size). I only use the standard keystrokes.
guess I didn't use as many keyboard shortcuts as I thought I did ;-)
Just trying to ease the pain in any way I can(BTW, thanks for taking the time to reply to me)
FP said:Where is the official Microsoft comment on this? I have spent hours
for the pattern control and as a last result decided to search the web for
the answer. In the interim I have found I can take 2003 objects with
fills and use paint brush to apply them in 2007 but its a time consuming
around and may not be stable. Its difficult to believe that MS would
this facility. Pattern fills are an essential feature of engineering
sketches. Without patterns PowerPoint becomes an even more second rate
product. A friend successfully uses Autosketch and then converts the
to pdf's for presenations. That may be the way to go as it works
well. I hear others are going to open office but I am not sure what
disadvanatges that will have.
Lucy Thomson said:Ahhh, shapes. Would making the shapes in Word then copy/paste work forHercule Perot said:Lucy,
The graphics that I am using area being created with shapes. In one
today it was to create a Gantt chart and in the other it was a
of shapes.
Pattern fills are still around in Word '07. Or creating pictures of your
shape pattern fills and then using the picture fill command? I've done a
bit of testing and it seems old '03 shapes with pattern fill can be
& converted to other shapes in '07 (though not re-coloured) - could that
work for you?
I create Gantts in Excel (saves me having to buy/learn Project):
Must admit I didn't know that original one as I'm a button gal forGroup and ungroup was Ctrl-Shft-G / Ctrl-Shft-H now it's Ctrl-G /
group/ungroup - I suppose as I use the mouse to select so just hang on to
AFAIK Ctrl+O has always opened the open dialogue accross the Office suiteTo make matters worse, what was group is now ungroup. Ctrl-O
used to open the format menu, now it's file open.
My only suggestion is to add it to the QAT then you can use Alt +Format painter used to be
Ctrl-Shft-C which now is nothing.
'07 tells you. Personally I prefer pick up style & apply style commands
format painter in PPT
I always used Ctrl+W to close files and that still works. In general, I.... and let's not start on how Excel
operates completely differently then the rest of the office suite
closes all rather than just the current file, and ctrl-[ and Ctrl-] do
reduce and increase font size). I only use the standard keystrokes.
guess I didn't use as many keyboard shortcuts as I thought I did ;-)
Just trying to ease the pain in any way I can(BTW, thanks for taking the time to reply to me)