How do I execute a macro based on the value of a cell in Excel?



For example, if cell A1=1, I want to run Macro1 once. If cell A1=2, I want
to run Macro2 once. If cell A1=3, do nothing.

I am familiar with Excel If/Then statements, so to my thinking, it would
look something like:

IF(A1=1,Run Macro1,IF(A1=2,Run Macro2,""))

I just don't know what the command is to "Run" the macro.


others will reply i am sure with code.However you need to decide wether the
macro runs automatically of a worksheet change event so every time cell a1 is
changed(or any cell for that matter ) the macro would run.Alternatively you
could have a button to run the macro or just from the menu tools>macro>run

Norman Jones

Hi Brettop,

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Range("A1").Value
Case 1
Case 2
End Select
End If

End Sub

This is worksheet event code and should be pasted into the worksheets's code
module (not a standard module and not the workbook's ThisWorkbook module):

Right-click the worksheet's tab
Select 'View Code' from the menu and paste the code.
Alt-F11 to return to Excel.


brettopp said:
Thank you, Norman. This worked perfectly. It was exactly what


I have a spreadsheet that I use an image to run a macro. If I were t
use the above script to run my macros, how do I do this. Where doe
this script go?
My choices for input would "A" - "B" or "C".


Norman Jones

Hi Ltat42a,
I have a spreadsheet that I use an image to run a macro. If I were to
use the above script to run my macros, how do I do this. Where does
this script go?
My choices for input would "A" - "B" or "C".

Paste the following code into a standard module - not a worksheet module or
the ThisWorkbook module:

Sub aTester()
Select Case Range("A1").Value ' <<===== CHANGE
Case "A"
Macro1 '<<===== CHANGE
Case "B"
Macro2 '<<===== CHANGE
Case "C"
Macro3 '<<===== CHANGE
End Select
End Sub

Assign this macro to the image.


Norman said:
Hi Ltat42a,

Paste the following code into a standard module - not a worksheet
module or
the ThisWorkbook module:

Sub aTester()
Select Case Range("A1").Value ' <<===== CHANGE
Case "A"
Macro1 '<<===== CHANGE
Case "B"
Macro2 '<<===== CHANGE
Case "C"
Macro3 '<<===== CHANGE
End Select
End Sub

Assign this macro to the image.

Oooppps. I should have explained better. I want to get rid of the
images I use to run the macros. When a user inserts an "A" into a
particular cell, it will run the "A" macro that I created, when someone
enters "B", it runs the "B" macro...etc...etc...


Norman Jones

Hi Ltat42a,
Oooppps. I should have explained better. I want to get rid of the
images I use to run the macros. When a user inserts an "A" into a
particular cell, it will run the "A" macro that I created, when someone
enters "B", it runs the "B" macro...etc...etc...

In that case, try:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Range("A1").Value '<<=== CHANGE
Case "A"
Case "B"
Case "C"
End Select
End If

End Sub

This is worksheet event code and should be pasted into the worksheets's code
module (not a standard module and not the workbook's ThisWorkbook module):

Right-click the worksheet's tab
Select 'View Code' from the menu and paste the code.
Alt-F11 to return to Excel.

Change A1 to the cell of interest.


To all who posted - this works much much better than clicking on a
image to execute a macro. Works great!

Thank you!!!




I'm looking for a similar code as the one given in this example, however, I
want to reference 3 cell locations (A1, B1, C1) and based on their input run
a specific macro. Each cell has 3 options (1, 2, 3) and therefore having 18
different macros to run based on the combinations.

Do you have any suggestions? Right now I'm using a button to launch the
specific macro.

Thanks for your help!

Norman Jones said:
Hi Ltat42a,

To avoid posible confusion
Change A1 to the cell of interest.

was intended to refer to both of the lines:

Dave Peterson

I'm not Norman.

But with 3 cells, I'd put a button on the worksheet that the user could click
when they had updated all three cells.

Then you could have a macro assigned to that button that determined the macro to

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim myStr As String
Dim myRng As Range

With ActiveSheet
Set myRng = .Range("a1:A3")

If myRng.Cells.Count <> Application.CountA(myRng) Then
MsgBox "Please fill in all the cells"
Exit Sub
End If

myStr = .Range("a1").Value & .Range("a2").Value & .Range("A3").Value

If Len(myStr) > 3 Then
MsgBox "Check your entries!"
Exit Sub
End If

Select Case myStr
Case Is = "111": Call Macro111
Case Is = "112": Call Macro112
'keep typing--I'm bored
Case Is = "333": Call Macro333
Case Else:
MsgBox "Please fix your choices!"
Exit Sub
End Select
End With

End Sub

And wouldn't you have 27 different macros:
3 for the first choice * 3 for the second choice * 3 for the 3rd choice

I'm looking for a similar code as the one given in this example, however, I
want to reference 3 cell locations (A1, B1, C1) and based on their input run
a specific macro. Each cell has 3 options (1, 2, 3) and therefore having 18
different macros to run based on the combinations.

Do you have any suggestions? Right now I'm using a button to launch the
specific macro.

Thanks for your help!

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