I am new to excel. This may be the stupidest question of all time, bu
I would like to know how to assign, program, or whatever you call it i
excel a date to a key so that when I am in a cell and want to enter tha
date all I have to do is use one keystroke. For example, can I someho
assign a date like 07/26/08 to the F10 key so that every time I pres
F10 the date 07/26/08 is entered into the cell where the cursor is?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide me
I would like to know how to assign, program, or whatever you call it i
excel a date to a key so that when I am in a cell and want to enter tha
date all I have to do is use one keystroke. For example, can I someho
assign a date like 07/26/08 to the F10 key so that every time I pres
F10 the date 07/26/08 is entered into the cell where the cursor is?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide me