Manuals are downloadable from motherboard manufacturer websites that
will at
least show the various BIOS sections and the functions contained in
As you have elected not to give any information on your motherboard
make and
model, it is difficult to determine what to tell you to look for, as
is more than just one BIOS type..
Mike Hall
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
"snoowee" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message
Ken Blake Wrote:-
snoowee wrote:
Hi a real novice hear,,, I need helping accessing my bios to load xp2
on there I have entered bios setup by pressing delete however this is
not where I want to be but it's been such a long time and i've lost
instructions. Once there i'm o.k just can't remember how to get in to
the bios setup to set particions and load xp. Can you help? (In
terms please?)-
Two points:
1. How to get into your BIOS depends, not on Windows, but on what
motherboard/BIOS you have. As a matter of fact, you have to access
before Windows even starts to boot. One common way is to press the
when you first power on, but that's not necessarily right for your
Watch the screen carefully when you first boot; there's often a
there telling you what to do. If not, check your system documentation
check with your vendor.
Also look he
2. Getting into the BIOS has nothing to do with your need to "set
and load xp." You do both of those by booting from the Windows CD and
following the prompts. The only respect in which the BIOS *might* be
involved is if your boot order is not set to CD first, you'll need to
it in the BIOS setup program before beginning.
I have got that far I am on bios but dont know where to proceed, I
a blue screen with various save & exit, password sets and bios set
If i go in to bios setup it has variouse information with disable or
enabled by them however this is where i'm lost I need to get in to
section to make particion I think?-