How do I enable Reports in Business Contact Manager Version 2?

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BCM V2 & SQL Desktop Server installed and operating. All reports give the
message "The Report could not be generated. Please try again". Records are
being written to the database and are visible on the Account, etc. forms.
To Fix these issues please do the following
1. Back up your database (make sure its saved at a safe location)
2. Export your data to a BCM File (make sure this is saved at a safe
3. Un install BCM and MSDE
4. Reboot
5. Install BCM again
6. Restore the DB (saved in step1) .
7. If step 6 faills (import the BCM file exported)

This should fix the problem
There is no need for you to restore the DB (your step 7). The database is
not removed with the uninstallation of either BCM or MSDE.

Just select your own computer in the startup wizard and select the DB name
from the list (if there is more than one) you want BCM to use.

AJS has solicited all with this issue to reply to his post, so this issue
can be examined.

I followed your insturctions through Step 6, "Badmash" and they worked fine,
though determining which BCM to uninstall from the list in Control Panel was
nontrivial. I will respond to AJS information request with the same
information, and post a req request for a how-to on changing the fields,
soring and grouping in BCM accound displays, and then Saving Those
Changes(!), which the appication still does not do. In addition, the phone
log records in Account History reports show the start time fo the call, but
neither the end time not the duration, renedering them effectively useless.
Can any change be made here?
I was having the same problem with Reports. This process solved my problem
and I did not have to restore the DB. It was there when BCM prompted to
'Create' database or use an existing database. Thanks for the help.

Having same problem with the BCM September update - Reports don't work.
Tried the different solutions in this thread. Didn't work. Have had to go
back to the prior (2004) version. Any other suggestions?

If you are currently running the BCM V2 update a reinstall of the same
should take care of the issue.You many aslo want to run MDAC component
checker to see if there any file conflicts.Enclosed the link to download the
is you are not familar with the usage refer the link below;en-us;307255

also there is a third party utility that lets you do the repair of MDAC

Hope this helps

With Regard

Raul Thomas
Reinstall worked. Thanks - Mark

Raul said:

If you are currently running the BCM V2 update a reinstall of the same
should take care of the issue.You many aslo want to run MDAC component
checker to see if there any file conflicts.Enclosed the link to download the
is you are not familar with the usage refer the link below;en-us;307255

also there is a third party utility that lets you do the repair of MDAC

Hope this helps

With Regard

Raul Thomas
I ran through the instructions of uninstalling BCM and MSDE but did not have
the success that others have had. The only thing I did differently was to
download updates from before restoring the DB. Is this the
problem or are the updates not related to the problem?