Anil Gupte
Any ideas/tutorials/resources?
Any ideas/tutorials/resources?
Any ideas/tutorials/resources?
Any ideas/tutorials/resources?
Thanx to both repliers! I really should have Googled first, but I had been
having no success on other topics, so I tried here first. It wil take me a
couple of days to try it, so I will get back to you later.
Thanx again,
Anil Guptewww.keeninc.netwww.icinema.com
To use flash player in your VB app, there are 2 methods:
First one is using Flash ActiveX control in your project which has a
bug with giving a error, can be solved by re-building the solution.
To insert flash control in your toolbox, toolbox -> choose items ->
flash9b.ocx or like that (for higher flash versions) named "Shockwave
Flash Object".
Second is to use webbrowser control which is good alternative, enter
flash movie's (usually .swf) as webbrowser control's URL then
Hope this helps, let us know.