How do I email an Outlook Calendar to another person.

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I have Outlook 2003 Windows XP. I want to make some entries into a calendar
and send those activities/appoitnments to another person. I could not a find
a way to email a calendar.

I am aware that I can share a calendar if I am in the same network but this
is not the case.
In Outlook 2003 and earlier versons, the closest you can come to a built-in method for sending a calendar as a single file attachment is to export the Calendar folder to a file, then sending the exported file.

However, if you have Word, you can use one of the Word templates listed at to push the Outlook data into a Word document, then attach that document to a message.

If you have Visio 2003, you can use the Import Outlook Data Wizard to create a calendar from Outlook data, using a filter to include only certain appointments. The resulting .vsd file can then be sent as an attachment.

For VBA code solutions that create an HTML-format mail message containing any single day's appointment list or 30 days of appointments, see:

Another technique is to use a third-part tool called ClipForm ( This tool uses templates to export Outlook data -- a whole folder or selected items -- to the Windows clipboard, text file, HTML email message, or other file types.

Outlook 2007 will make calendar sharing and distribution much, much easier. It will have the built-in ability to generate a nicely formatted email message listing your appointments, with an iCalendar attachment that other Outlook 2007 users can open to add your appointments to a new calendar that Outlook will create for them.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
Another method is to select the dates you want to forward, rather than the
entire calender. Forward them as Outlook calendar entries. This is under the
actions menu and works if there are not too many of them. You can cut
attachments from the messages generated using this method and paste them all
into a single message with instructions to drag to the recipent's Outlook
Calendar folder.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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