how do I email amacro?

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I have a macro for excel that I use on a xl file that I download from a
server. How do I email that macro to a friend?
Hi Leo

Paste the macro in the body of the mail or paste in a txt file and send it.
Or send a workbook with the macro.
go into the VBA editor export the module to your desktop and mail i
that way.

Then the recipient can import that macro into their spreadsheet
I opened the macro and pasted it into an email. How does the receiver store
it as a macro on his computer?
The recipient will open a workbook and create a general module.

Recipient will then copy the macro text from the email and paste it into the

Just the reverse of what you did to copy/paste into the body of the email.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
And just to add to Gord's response, that's a pretty good reason to avoid sending
the text version of the code.

Why not just send the workbook--or even create a dedicated workbook with your
utilities in it and share that workbook?
You haven't avoided the problem. You've just passed the problem to the
recipient. Most users of excel wouldn't know what to do with the text of a
macro (in my experience).
Dave said:
You haven't avoided the problem. You've just passed the problem to the
recipient. Most users of excel wouldn't know what to do with the tex
of a
macro (in my experience).

not how I see it

all you need to do is import the file (module), you don't need t
"touch" the text of the macro itself. (unless I'm completely missin
the point)

I may admittedly not explained the process that well... :oops
I think you're going to have to tell the recipient to save the text of the
message (or the attachment) somewhere.

Then you have to explain to open excel, open the VBE, find the correct project
and import that file. Then tell the user how to run the macro.

It sounds much more difficult than just emailing a .xls file.

thanks to all of you but I need detailed step by step instructions on exactly
how to "import the file (module)" and for that matter the entire process.
I've never used VBE before but I'm willing to try, I'm not advanced as you


Dave Peterson said:
I think you're going to have to tell the recipient to save the text of the
message (or the attachment) somewhere.

Then you have to explain to open excel, open the VBE, find the correct project
and import that file. Then tell the user how to run the macro.

It sounds much more difficult than just emailing a .xls file.

That's exactly why I suggested just emailing the workbook with the macro.
thanks to all of you but I need detailed step by step instructions on exactly
how to "import the file (module)" and for that matter the entire process.
I've never used VBE before but I'm willing to try, I'm not advanced as you


Dave Peterson said:
I think you're going to have to tell the recipient to save the text of the
message (or the attachment) somewhere.

Then you have to explain to open excel, open the VBE, find the correct project
and import that file. Then tell the user how to run the macro.

It sounds much more difficult than just emailing a .xls file.
I don't think I explained it well enough. The receipient and I both work for
the same company. I have to download an xl file from the company server and
once downloaded i apply the macro. The file is a backlog file so the data
changes every day. He'll aslo have to download the data into xl and apply the
macro. So I need to email just the macro. If I send him the file which the
macro was applied to that does not do him any good unless he can grab the
macro form the file and apply it to a new download. So i need to know how to
mail just the macro. When I go into the workbook that has all my macros, it
just looks blank, i don't see anything copy.

Dave Peterson said:
That's exactly why I suggested just emailing the workbook with the macro.
thanks to all of you but I need detailed step by step instructions on exactly
how to "import the file (module)" and for that matter the entire process.
I've never used VBE before but I'm willing to try, I'm not advanced as you

therefore what I said IS needed therefore here's a step by step


this will open a different screen...

on the right hand side HOPEFULLY you will see the workbook that has the

double click module one that SHOULD be the macro you want (the title
will be in green)

if it is that one then right click you should be able to export it, to
anywhere on your computer.

Locate said file and then email it....

The reciepent need to repeat the process but they need to IMPORT the

Can be done thru the file menu...

Don't send the file which the macro was applied to.

Send the file that contains the macro.

I don't think I explained it well enough. The receipient and I both work for
the same company. I have to download an xl file from the company server and
once downloaded i apply the macro. The file is a backlog file so the data
changes every day. He'll aslo have to download the data into xl and apply the
macro. So I need to email just the macro. If I send him the file which the
macro was applied to that does not do him any good unless he can grab the
macro form the file and apply it to a new download. So i need to know how to
mail just the macro. When I go into the workbook that has all my macros, it
just looks blank, i don't see anything copy.

Dave Peterson said:
That's exactly why I suggested just emailing the workbook with the macro.
And if the macro resides in the same workbook with some version of the data.

Open that workbook
Save it as a new name (don't destroy your original!)
Delete all the sheets but one.
Remove all the data on that last sheet.

Save that workbook once again.

Send this workbook to the other user.

Tell them to open this workbook when they need to run the macro--yes, the
workbook with the macro and the workbook with the data have to be open.

Tell them to select the workbook with the current data.
Select the macro and click Run.

You'll should test this out before you send the workbook.

Dave said:
Don't send the file which the macro was applied to.

Send the file that contains the macro.
when i go into vbe the macro is not on the right. I noticed that if the file
with the macro is open and I go to macros, it has numbered the macro ( module

To make it simple, how do I copy module 63 which is the macro I want to
send? Also once I send module 63, how does the user apply that to a file ?

Dave Peterson said:
Don't send the file which the macro was applied to.

Send the file that contains the macro.

You actually have a module63?

How many modules do you have?

For info can place many macros in a single module.

Back to your question....................

Select module63 and right-click on it.

Select "Export Module"

It will export as a *.bas file to any folder you wish.

Open your email program and create a new email to the recipient.


Scroll to the *.bas file and OK. Send the email.

When the recipient receives the email he/she will save the *.bas file to a

Then open Excel and open the workbook recipient wants the macro inserted to.

Go into the VBEditor by using ALT + F11

Then select the workbook/project and right-click and "Import File"

Scroll to the *.bas file which was copied and click OK.

Save the workbook/project.

Now...wouldn't it be easier as Dave P. suggests to copy the macro and stick it
into a new workbook and send that workbook to the recipient?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

when i go into vbe the macro is not on the right. I noticed that if the file
with the macro is open and I go to macros, it has numbered the macro ( module

To make it simple, how do I copy module 63 which is the macro I want to
send? Also once I send module 63, how does the user apply that to a file ?

Dave Peterson said:
Don't send the file which the macro was applied to.

Send the file that contains the macro.
I know this sounds crazy but now when I do the same thing it just has the
name of the macro and leaves of the 63 number. I have at least 20 macros in a
file location in the xlstart up folder so when i open xl that workbook opens

Anyway, when the workbook is open and I select tools/macro I see the macros.
If I reight click nothing happens so I can't export or copy any of the macros.

Gord Dibben said:

You actually have a module63?

How many modules do you have?

For info can place many macros in a single module.

Back to your question....................

Select module63 and right-click on it.

Select "Export Module"

It will export as a *.bas file to any folder you wish.

Open your email program and create a new email to the recipient.


Scroll to the *.bas file and OK. Send the email.

When the recipient receives the email he/she will save the *.bas file to a

Then open Excel and open the workbook recipient wants the macro inserted to.

Go into the VBEditor by using ALT + F11

Then select the workbook/project and right-click and "Import File"

Scroll to the *.bas file which was copied and click OK.

Save the workbook/project.

Now...wouldn't it be easier as Dave P. suggests to copy the macro and stick it
into a new workbook and send that workbook to the recipient?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
Please don't send the macro as text to the other users. If you think you're
having trouble exporting the modules so you can send them, imagine the phone
calls you'll get from each of the recipients when they receive your file.

Open the workbook with all those macros
save it as a new name--just in case!
Delete the modules you don't want.
Delete the data you don't want.
Save the file once more.

Send that file.
I know this sounds crazy but now when I do the same thing it just has the
name of the macro and leaves of the 63 number. I have at least 20 macros in a
file location in the xlstart up folder so when i open xl that workbook opens

Anyway, when the workbook is open and I select tools/macro I see the macros.
If I reight click nothing happens so I can't export or copy any of the macros.

Gord Dibben said:

You actually have a module63?

How many modules do you have?

For info can place many macros in a single module.

Back to your question....................

Select module63 and right-click on it.

Select "Export Module"

It will export as a *.bas file to any folder you wish.

Open your email program and create a new email to the recipient.


Scroll to the *.bas file and OK. Send the email.

When the recipient receives the email he/she will save the *.bas file to a

Then open Excel and open the workbook recipient wants the macro inserted to.

Go into the VBEditor by using ALT + F11

Then select the workbook/project and right-click and "Import File"

Scroll to the *.bas file which was copied and click OK.

Save the workbook/project.

Now...wouldn't it be easier as Dave P. suggests to copy the macro and stick it
into a new workbook and send that workbook to the recipient?

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP