how do I drag and fill hyperlinks?

  • Thread starter Thread starter coreygreat
  • Start date Start date


I have a master lists of document names that I'm trying to hyperlink sections
to different sheets in the same workbook. I can't seem to figure out how to
drag and fill the hyperlink in a section of the column of the mastersheet,
and sequentially fill down (=sheet2!A5) to (=sheet2!A6)...and so on...linking
to sequential cells in a different worksheet. Right now, I have to 'edit
hyperlink' and change the cell value each time...I have 3000 to do! Thank
you for your help.
on an auxiliar sheet try


pleae click yes if it was helpfull
regards from Brazil

"coreygreat" escreveu:
oh god I am sorry I have posted wrong message


pleae click yes if it was helpfull
regards from Brazil

"Marcelo" escreveu:
Instead of all of that overhead simply right click sheet tab>view
code>insert this. Now when you double click on any cell with a ! in the
value such as sheet2!a1, you will go there. So enter sheet2!a5 and copy
down. NO hyperlinks.

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick _
(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)

On Error Resume Next
whereat = InStr(ActiveCell, "!")
ms = Left(ActiveCell, whereat - 1)
mc = Mid(ActiveCell, whereat + 1, 9999)
Application.Goto Sheets(ms).Range(mc)
End Sub