Word 2000 is not available for download from anywhere, at least not
legally. If you have a Word 2000 CD and the 25-digit product key for the
CD, you can install Word from the CD.
You can't (legally) download Word or Office anywhere. It's commercial
software that you must buy.
Although Office 2000 is no longer manufactured, you might find some
copies for sale in places like eBay. There have been two versions
since then, 2002 (Office XP) and 2003, which is the current version.
If you want to use a word processor or an office suite, and you are
short on ca$h, try OpenOffice. It's free to download
(http://www.openoffice.org), it's Free Software (as in Free Speech -
notice the difference between free and Free) AND it is compatible with
Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint,...)