How do I Double Underline?


Kathryn Jacobs

You do it by putting a double line under the text. There is no built in way
to do it.... Sorry.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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You may want to place two lines together in your
presentation but, please don’t underline text!

Underlining text is considered in much the same way as
swearing, or cussing as my US friends would say - its
crude. Good design looks interesting, its never messy.

With the infinite array of design possibilities in
powerpoint there are far better ways of creating emphasis
to a piece of text. The use of colour, font selection,
text size, placement.

I hope this gives you some ideas.

Steve Rindsberg, PPTMVP

You may want to place two lines together in your
presentation but, please don’t underline text!

On the whole, I couldn't agree more. Underlining is a throwback to the bad
ol' days when we used typewriters. They couldn't do italic, so we
underlined stuff as a way of saying "If we could set pretty type, this would
be in italic, but we can't so we'll just have to settle for this ugly

But: in accounting/finance, the double underline indicates a total. It
actually has a meaning rather than being a standin for something else.

Sometimes it's necessary, in other words.

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