how do I do this? File sharing


Gabriel Knight

Hi all this is for school I have a question that I need help to find the
process to :

"Set Folder Options to uncheck Use Simple File Sharing"

Any ideas? Is it in controll panel or is it in windows explorer?


Bruce Hagen

Gabriel Knight said:
Hi all this is for school I have a question that I need help to find the
process to :

"Set Folder Options to uncheck Use Simple File Sharing"

Any ideas? Is it in controll panel or is it in windows explorer?


Got homework? Get Google?

Paste this into your search engine.

Uncheck: Use Simple File Sharing in Windows XP


Gabriel Knight said:
Hi all this is for school I have a question that I need help to find the
process to :

"Set Folder Options to uncheck Use Simple File Sharing"

Any ideas? Is it in controll panel or is it in windows explorer?


I'll give you a hint, you're on the right track. The key word here is Folder
Options. And as for your last question, it's in both Control Panel and
Windows Explorer.

What will make this tricky, and isn't always pointed out, is that you'll
need to be working on a computer running XP Professional or Media Center in
order to disable Simple File Sharing. You won't have that option on a
computer running XP Home Edition.

Good luck


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